The Leporacci's are often requested as guest lecturers and have conducted several music clinics, choir workshops, and worship seminars. The Leporacci's are dedicated to inspiring church musicians of all ages to pursue life-long learning and to be consistently perfecting their gifts and abilities. Whether you are looking to give your choir a jump start or just further develop yourself and your church musicians, contact us today and let us help you serve others better in this incredible ministry of music!
Why have a music clinic?
In our travels, we have encountered many choir members, church musicians, and ministers of music who are looking to expand their musical knowledge, refresh their musical abilities, be challenged musically, or simply be better equipped to perform in the music ministry of their local church. However, we also understand that in the busyness of everyday life and ministry it can be difficult to find the time and the resources to push yourself and your music ministry to the next level. We have all been at the point where we feel like we have stopped growing or have exhausted our resources. Perhaps you just need a fresh perspective or someone to reiterate to your choir or praise team the techniques you have already tried to instill in them. Perhaps your music ministry is small and just starting or it may be well established and just stuck in a musical rut. Maybe you have found as many have before you that there is just not enough time in the weekly rehearsal to perfect your music as well as teach music theory and proper vocal techniques. We often struggle as worship leaders to find the careful balance between trying to help the choir or praise team member grow as a leader of worship and be as musically proficient as we would like them to be. It is with this in mind that we have designed our music clinics to help meet this need in the local church. We believe that music is one of the most important elements of the worship service and has great power to communicate the Gospel. Because of this, we believe that church musicians should excel in musical ability and performance. Like the Levites of Old Testament worship they should be skilled musicians and well- trained in their craft. To send your choir to music school is simply unrealistic, though many times that is what we feel like doing. So, we have structured a program that brings our college classrooms to you for a day of fun and intense musical training! It is our prayer that our ministry will be a blessing to many of you and will ignite a passion in your hearts and in the hearts of those in your ministry to grow in your musical endeavors as we seek to worship the Lord through this powerful gift of music!
What topics will be covered?
The Leporacci's can cover a variety of musical topics including:
Introduction to Music Theory: note and rhythm reading, intervals, and key signatures
Proper Vocal Techniques: breathing, range, resonance, power, placement, posture, vibrato, vocal health
The basics of sight-singing: intervals, exercises, the sight/aural connection, reading ahead
Choir Rehearsal: dynamics, blend, intonation, warm-ups, conducting patterns, cut-offs, working as a team
Biblical Foundations of Worship: the relationship between N.T. and O.T worship, what the Bible says about style, what is biblical worship? (this can be done in one concentrated session or over multiple sessions)
Sessions for the church pianist: traditional or contemporary congregational accompanying, lead sheets, arranging. Great for the pianist who is trying to transition from traditional to contemporary worship.
Sessions for praise teams: assisting congregational worship, part singing, blend, stylistic techniques
Sessions for soloists:
facial expression, gestures, word emphasis, performing (this is done in a masterclass setting)
Session for the worship leader/choir director: Communicating with your choir, band, praise team, and accompanist, basic conducting, leading effective rehearsals

What is the schedule?
Typically the Leporaccis arrive on Friday evening, conduct workshops on Saturday, and perform on Sunday Morning. Usually the Leporaccis will teach several sessions on Saturday morning, hold a choir rehearsal in the afternoon, and offer private lessons in the evening. See a sample schedule below:8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9-10:30 Session I
10:30-10:45 break
10:45-12:00 Session II
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Session III
2:00-3:30 Choir Rehearsal
3:30-7:30 private lessons or individual breakouts
Can we customize the workshops?
Absolutely! The Leporacci's can tailor their workshops and the schedule to best fit the needs of your church. Special sessions can be scheduled upon request and when you contact us we will be happy to help you set up a program that works for you.